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Where you'll find us next!

All parents, students, and staff of Ann Arbor Open are encouraged to attend AAOCC meetings!

Meetings provide the main forum for expression of ideas and opinions about school activities and programs. Many AAOCC meetings also offer a topic of interest to the Ann Arbor Open community. Past topics, for example, have included cyber-bullying and internet use/abuse, the math curriculum, middle school years at Open and diversity at the school.

Any member of the General Assembly (parents, students, staff) can ask to place an item on the agenda by contacting the Secretary in advance. All present, including students, can vote on items raised at the meetings. 

Virtual Meetings

All AAOCC meetings will be held virtually using Zoom unless otherwise communicated. Joining information is in each AAOCC calendar event (left) and is sent by the Co-Chair in email to the Ann Arbor Open community with the meeting's agenda before the scheduled day of each meeting.

In-Person Gatherings

We are looking forward to bringing in-person Roundtables and Coffee with the Principal back this year. If you have a topic, speaker or panel you'd like to suggest, let us know!

Additional Meeting Resources