First Week of School

When and how will I find out my student's teacher?

You will receive an email from the office the week before school starts with the teacher assignment and class list for your child. You will see the entire class list, which can be helpful as you help them make connections to the kids they may already have met. The Kindergarten teachers generally hold a meet and greet session during the last half of the week before school so your student can become familiar with their teacher and classroom. The meet and greet session times will come via email from your teacher or the office sometime after the teacher assignment email from the office.

Where do I turn in paperwork?

If you have not submitted the paperwork required for enrollment, please submit this to Heidi Kerst in the main office. The office will be staffed around 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. daily the two weeks before school begins. Calling ahead to make sure one of them is there before you go in may be helpful. The main number to the school is 734-994-1910. 

What supplies does my child need?

There are no lists of supplies that you need to provide. However, if you would like to donate school supplies (pencils, Kleenex, hand sanitizer, glue sticks, etc.), staff will happily accept. Teachers usually put out a wish list of items sometime during the first two weeks of school. Your child will need a backpack and lunch box, if they will bring lunch. Beginning the first week of school, they will also need a swimsuit, towel, and bag to carry their wet swim gear home. Plastic grocery bags work fine for this but there will be a fundraiser early in the year where you can purchase a reusable wet bag, if interested. Some students like goggles for the pool but they are not required. If you do send goggles, make sure they are labeled. Unlabeled, lost goggles can often be found in a large crate of goggles in the pool office or in the school's lost and found to the left of the school office.

How important is labeling my child's things?

VERY! LABEL everything! Use permanent marker, pen, or purchase labels. If you purchase labels through Mabel's Labels, the school earns 20% of the purchase. Once you witness the state of Lost and Found in November or lose that new pair of gloves for the fourth time, you'll understand the importance of labeling. In fact, do it now, before the Night Before Kindergarten. It takes longer than one thinks.

What does the morning of the first day of school look like?

The first bell rings at 8:10 a.m. Students and parents/guardians must wait outside the building for the first bell, which indicates students may head to their classrooms. Students will go to their classrooms when the bell rings and guardians may accompany them. Once in the classroom, please listen to the teacher for direction. The teacher will likely engage the kids in an activity, such as a story. When you and your child and your teacher are ready for you to leave the room, you can head to the media center for coffee and bagels or whatever is next on your agenda. Sometimes it's hard to leave your child behind, it's okay, the teacher's got it and does need to get started with the day. 

I am concerned about nut allergies. How does AAO handle this?

Ann Arbor Open is sensitive and welcoming to families with nut and other food allergies. Please note, that it usually takes a couple of weeks into the new school year to update the plan regarding which classrooms are nut free, thank you for your patience.

How does the school send out information throughout the school year?

The Principal sends a weekly newsletter via email, which is tracked in This Week at AAO, a running document that includes each of the previous newsletters.

Teachers will also email or send home papers throughout the year as it relates to their class.

How does drop off/pick up work? What about transportation? What about after school care?

Please see the FAQ Logistics and the FAQ Drop Off and Parking

Welcome to Open!