
If you have any corrections or questions about these FAQs, please contact the AAOCC

How do I get my child to and from school?

If your child bikes to school, bike racks are located (1) outside the school’s entrance facing Miller, close to the pool, (2) on the Brooks St. side, close to the pool, near the bus loop, and (3) outside the school's main entrance by the Red Oak parking lot; students may also lock their scooters there. A crossing guard is stationed at the intersection of Seventh and Miller every day, before and after school.

Bus transportation is provided through Durham School Services. Information is available through the AAO office or through Ann Arbor Public Schools' (AAPS) Transportation Page.  if your kid lives at an eligible address, they can take the bus to/from the closest bus stop any day, but don't have to do so every day since these are regular stops. Might be good for parents to call Durham to let them know first; Laura said she would tell the bus driver the boys would be taking the bus.

If your child is staying after school for an activity, there is a late bus. This one bus goes all over Ann Arbor and the schedule is made based on who signs up. So get your request in as soon as you can! Sign up can be found on the Athletics Website.

If you drive your child to or from school, please note that the marked lane outside the entrance in the Red Oak parking lot is for drop-off and pick-up only. Parents who are using the marked lane to drop off their children are expected to pull up as far as possible and drop their child off quickly, without exiting the car. At drop-off, parents who wish to get out of their car to say goodbye to their child or walk him or her into the school must park in the Red Oak lot or on the street. Similarly, parents who need to come into the school for any reason at pick-up should park their car first, not leave it in the marked lane. Do not park in handicap spots unless you have a properly marked/identified vehicle.

Please note that these guidelines have been put in place for the safety of our children. Our parking lot becomes congested very quickly if we are not all paying attention and following the rules.

Please note that the Brooks Street loop is for buses only.

To see a traffic map of our school, with more detailed parking and drop off information, CLICK HERE.

How long is the school day?

The school day at AAO runs from 8:15 a.m. to 3:18 pm (with the first bell at 8:10 a.m., doors opened for students).

What happens if we’re late?

The first bell rings at 8:10 a.m., and children are expected to be in their classroom by the second bell, at 8:15 a.m. Tardy records are kept in all grades, including kindergarten. Children who arrive after 8:15 a.m. should go to the office and sign in. If they arrive on a late bus, they can proceed directly to their classroom.

AAO asks that parents make getting their children to school on time a high priority for their family. The first fifteen to twenty minutes of each school day are crucial to setting the day’s mood and direction. Tardy students miss key connections their teachers are working hard to make, and their late arrival disrupts the classroom for those students who have arrived on time.

What happens if we’re early? 

All families and students must wait outside the building until the first bell rings at 8:10 a.m. The library, hallways, and front lobby are not available for students and families waiting for the school day to begin. Until the first bell rings, please wait outside.

How do I report absences?

If your student is going to be absent, please email this attendance address: aao_attendance@a2schools.org. Include the following information:  student name, teacher, date of absence(s) and reason for absence. 

What if my child is going home with someone else?

In general, particularly for younger students, if there is any change from your child’s normal dismissal routine, please send a note to his or her teacher.

All arrangements for play dates and other after-school plans should be made from home, not after the school day begins.

If someone who is not a custodial parent and not on your emergency card will be picking up your child from school, please send written permission for that person to do so.

If your child will be riding a different bus home than usual, please send a signed and dated note to school with your child. He or she will need to bring the note to the office to be signed before the school day ends.

What is Curriculum Night, and why should I go?

Curriculum Night, scheduled every September, gives you a chance to meet your child(ren)'s teacher(s). For parents and staff only, this event is intended for parents to meet their child's teacher in a group setting, as well as attend a joint information session with the principal about the upcoming school year. Information about the entire school community is shared, as well as specifics about your children’s classrooms. It is also a great opportunity to volunteer, to meet other parents in the classroom, and to learn more about the AAO approach to education.

Is there a school directory?

Yes! Every year, the school’s office staff compiles a directory of all the students in the school, which usually comes out some time in the fall. The directory includes contact information for all families who have chosen to provide it, on a class-by-class basis. Recently, in the interest of saving costs and paper, the school has started using an electronic version of the directory that families can download, rather than distributing hard copies to every student. Hard copies are available to families who need or prefer them. Contact the school office for a copy.

Is there a list of teachers and staff?

A full list of AAO staff members can be found here.

Where’s the school’s lost and found?

Please prevent any of your child’s items finding their way to the lost and found. Label all personal items and clothing that come to school! The lost and found is in the hallway to the left as you’re facing the office, outside the teachers’ lounge. Every year, dozens of items are never picked up; the school donates these items to the PTO Thrift Shop. This only happens with plenty of warning, usually in the Wednesday Packet.

What are some of the highlights of the AAO year?

The AAOCC website includes a list and description of regularly scheduled AAO events: Annual Events at Open.

See the school’s home page for access to the building calendar: http://www.a2schools.org/aaopen.

Find the AAPS District Calendar here and the Bell Schedule here.

AAPS typically schedules two to three breaks for students every year: one at winter break, sometimes a shorter one early in the spring semester, and one later in the spring semester.

Is Open School’s office open in summer?

No. Office staff members are generally working in the office for one week after school ends for students. The office reopens two weeks before Labor Day.