Enrichment Contributions

for Field TripS, ENRICHMENT Programs, AND YEARBOOKs


Enrichment programs—including field trips, performances, and demonstrations—are an integral part of Ann Arbor Open’s curriculum at every grade level. Teachers plan all trips and programs with and for their students each year. Parents will often have an opportunity to help organize or participate.

Because Ann Arbor Open seeks to promote an inclusive environment, the Coordinating Council works to ensure there is funding for every child regardless of their own family’s contribution.

If you have questions, please contact the AAOCC Co-chair who focuses on fundraising, at fundraising@aaopencc.org

Typical and Expected Classroom Enrichment Programs 

In order to lighten the fundraising burden on any individual teacher or set of parents within a classroom, each year the Coordinating Council fundraises to provide baseline funds for these Enrichment Programs and the student yearbooks across all grade-level and 7/8 advisory classrooms. 

We do this on a pay-what-you-can basis. You can contribute a lump sum, or set up a monthly recurring payment.


Your enrichment contribution also supports the cost of your child’s yearbook. The expected cost per yearbook for 2023-2024 is $8. All children will receive one yearbook at the end of the year regardless of their family’s contribution.

Suggested Enrichment Contribution

For the 2023-2024 school year, the average cost for every child, at every grade level to participate in the typical and expected classroom enrichment programs and to receive a yearbook is $75 per child. 

If your family is able to contribute more than the requested amount, please consider doing so, as it will benefit other Ann Arbor Open families for whom contributing would create a financial hardship.

If you have questions, please contact the AAOCC Co-chair who focuses on fundraising, at fundraising@aaopencc.org


We strongly believe in maintaining your personal privacy and work very purposefully to keep individual giving as confidential as possible. 

Want to pay in cash or by check?

That's it!

Questions? Reach out to the AAOCC Co-chair who focuses on fundraising at fundraising@aaopencc.org.

Unexpected, or out of the ordinary, curriculum-based, classroom-specific enrichment programs

As our teachers co-develop the curriculum with their students each year, there are often unexpected enrichment opportunities for which teachers will fundraise from their classroom parents. These fundraisers happen independently of the Coordinating Council. However, when asked, the Coordinating Council may provide financial management services by collecting and dispersing those funds on behalf of the classroom teacher, as needed. 

For more information about our Financial Guidelines and Fundraising Rules, please visit our Fundraising Policies page.

Financial Assistance

Did you know the Coordinating Council has dedicated funds to ensure that all students are able to participate in “extras” throughout the year. For example, ordering Spirit Wear or participating in the Ice Cream Social without having to purchase tickets for the various booths.  

Additionally, the AAOCC maintains a Family Emergency Fund should a financial need arise for one of our families. 

For more confidential information on any of these programs, please contact the school social worker, Kate Funk-Carter funkcar@aaps.k12.mi.us. Only Kate and our Treasurer are aware of these requests. 

The AAOCC is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Please check with your tax accountant to determine if your contribution is tax-deductible. Tax ID # 38-3336334